Adult Basic Education programmes are co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.
If you find reading, writing, working with numbers or using technology is holding you back our Adult Basic Education Service is a good starting point for you.
The Adult Basic Education (ABE) Service offers part-time courses to adults who want to:
Return to education
Brush up on reading, writing, maths and computers
Improve English language skills
Upskill for work or further study
Gain confidence and work towards a QQI certificate
Courses are open to anyone over the age of 16 and not in full time education.
Places are offered first to adults who left school early, are on social welfare payments or in low paid employment and have been out of education for some time.
The Adult Basic Education Service is free, friendly and confidential. Classes are available during the day and in the evenings and usually run from 2-8 hours per week. Students work at their own pace in small groups to build skills and confidence.
Whether you have some previous experience or are just starting out, our experienced and friendly staff will help you along the way. Make an appointment with one of our staff members today to find the right course for you.
For further information please contact:
Christine Wray
086 780 6979
Ros Bremner
Resource Worker
Tel: 0404-64002
programmes available
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Wicklow Further Education & Training Centre,
The Murrough, Wicklow Town, Co. Wicklow.
Tel: 0404-64023